Tuesday, July 5, 2011

New Day!

I am back from my vacation in Mexico and boy did I have a great time!  I swam, I played, I drank and I ate!  Holy Guacamole!  While I was not 100% on track, I will say I made efforts to be better than complete self-sabotage.  For instance, I tried have a clean breakfast and didn't binge on wonderful Mexican food all day.  So my mind changed a bit here.  Because normally, I would have!  I saved good food for the evening, where I could have a nice dinner with Todd.  I also managed to get in a 7 mile run and a 1.75 mile walk during my 5 days there.  I'm proud of myself on this because I NEVER exercise on vacation.  Do I wish I was a little better, yes, but I did okay and I'm not going to make myself feel guilty.  However, being back in NYC, it's time to get back on track.

The first place of business is food.  I just ordered FRESH DIRECT to be delievered tomorrow so I can start my eating off right.  What was on the list: Greek  Yogurt, Part-Skim Cheese, Cabot 75%, Apples, Hummus,Blueberries, Avocado, Strawberries, Bananas, Almond Milk, Pam Olive Oil Cooking Spray, Whole-Wheat Pizza Dough, Chicken, Diced Tomatoes (for home-made sauce),  corn, celery, Romaine, Kale, Cucumber, Carrots, Tomatoes...

I'll also start heading back to the gym tomorrow! 

Game on :)

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