I have found a plan that works for me (finally) and it’s been great being on plan AT HOME. I know how hard it is to be plan away from home. So I’d like to blog a little about that!
For me, this plan is a long-term commitment and permanent lifestyle, thus incorporating dinners, weddings, birthdays, travel and so forth is a must. I’m not planning on cutting this part of my life off! But I am willing to cut out the fatty food!
I head to Mexico on Thursday and return Monday so I have 5 days ahead that are taking me out of my diet “comfort zone”. My plan is to plan ahead because I know “failing to plan, is planning to fail”.
Here are some tips I’m taking with me while on vacation:
· Don't use your trip as an excuse to take a vacation from your diet but rather a motivating factor to keep going. Chances are you may be somewhere where it's warm and most of us want to look good when we’re out on the beach in a bathing suit or taking a walk in shorts and a tank top.
· Anticipate and equip yourself for the stress of travel such as waiting at the airport, spending long hours in the car or facing delays. Try to get plenty of sleep prior to your trip and make sure you eat a healthful meal before you leave in case you have to wait more than a few hours until you can eat again. Stress and lack of sleep in and of themselves can cause unstable blood sugar levels and cravings for unhealthy foods.
· Pack some sustenance along with the clothes, shoes and bathing suits! By packing some of your favorite foods and snacks, you can ensure that when hunger strikes, you are still able to stick to your program. If you’re traveling by car, it's easy to slap a cooler and a few grocery bags into your car. If you're flying, your choices may be slightly more limited but still possible. Most people opt for at least one carry-on and most carry-ons can accommodate snacks and drinks. Nuts and seeds make great snacks because they're easy to pack, full of nutrition, easy to consume and they keep you sustained.
· Thinking of skipping breakfast or lunch in the name of going out to eat for dinner? Don't do it! Skipping meals will only aid in helping you to feel hungrier later in the day which can result in overeating or opting for foods that go beyond the realm of healthy and diet-appropriate.
· Drink up! Water, that is! Consuming lots of water will help you feel satisfied and full and will help replenish what your body has lost or will lose during the hot day. Stay away from coffee and sodas because they're full of caffeine (and, in the case of soda, sugar and caffeine) and may increase carbohydrate cravings.
· Pack your pills, calculators, etc. Whether you're on a diet that involves taking supplements or you're taking your own assortment of vitamins to ensure good health, make sure to take them with you so that you stick as close to your routine as possible. Some diets require counting carbs or weighing food servings and you may have to leave space in your suitcase for any devices that will help to ensure your dieting success while you're away such as carb counters, food scales or daily calorie logs.
· Get physical! Even if you fall short on physical activity and calorie-burn during the work week, there's no excuse not to capitalize on physical activity when you're on vacation! Whether it's walking around and sightseeing or running through the sand and swimming in the ocean, vacations present dozens of unique exercise and movement opportunities which inevitably translate to calorie burn and sometimes lost pounds for dieters. It can also help offset any excess calories you may have given in to when vacationing.
· Come to your senses....in a timely manner. If you see yourself drifting from your regimen, sit down and think about how poor choices in the near-term are going to sabotage your long-term diet plans. The longer you stay off of your plan, the harder it is to get back on track.
· Hit as close to the mark as possible. While you may not be able to follow - food-for-food and calorie-for-calorie - the program you follow when you’re at home, make smart substitutions that come as close to meeting your guidelines as possible. For instance, if your choices are limited, eat a little more of the foods and preparations that ARE part of your diet as opposed to those that aren't. Have an additional serving or servings of salad and fresh veggies (watch out for dressings and dips though - depending on your diet, they may NOT be a good accessory to your salad or veggie platter) as opposed to loading up on bread and butter, have a fruit bowl (low-fat diets) instead of chocolate cake if you're craving dessert after dinner or opt for an extra slice of cheese (low-carb diets) on your chicken breast or burger instead of going for the bun or piling on ketchup or barbeque.