Wednesday, June 22, 2011


Okay so let's get into 80% of your body which is what you put in your mouth.  Have you purchased the book I talked about below?  Hopefully you have, because that is going to give you the most information in one place and set you on the right track.  Weight loss cannot be achieved with out cleaning up what you eat and this happens to be the hardest part of weight loss.  Most of us eat processed junk that contains chemicals that literally make us addicted to what we are eating!  It is possible (heck I am doing it!) to stop the addiction to food (sweets / carbs for me!) and become addicted to eating clean and feeling good. 

Eating clean is simple.  It's eating whole, natural foods like fruits, veggies, lean proteins and complex carbs.  It cuts out man-made sugar, bad fats, preservatives, white bread and any other unncessary and addicting ingrediant.  An easy way to remeber the difference between "clean" and "dirty" is "if it comes from the ground eat it" and "If man made it, don't eat it".  Clean is natural.  Dirty is man-made.

Here's what a clean eater looks like:

  • No refined sugar 

  • Cooks healthy meals (plan your meals ahead it makes it easier)

  • Packs healthy meals (buy a cooler if you haven't already)

  • Makes healthy choices when dining out (plan ahead! you can always ask for grilled chicken/fish even if its not on the menu)

  • Drinks a lot of water (carry around a stainless steal 27oz canteen)

  • Eats 5-6 small meals per day (this is VERY important and plan the on Sunday night for the week)

  • Eliminates alcoholic beverages (or significantly limits it - one glass of red wine will not kill you)

  • Always eats breakfast (umm this is obvious!!)

  • Eating clean can be a major transition for a majority of people due to addictions to sugar, white bread, and fast food. It takes discipline in order to make eating clean a habit but it is possible and has so many long-term health benefits.

    Here's the tricks I did to help me make the transition:
    1. I created a list of 20 meals that were "clean".  Each meal contains 1 protein, 1 complex carb, 1 fat.  This will be your go-to list and eventually you can expand on it.
    2. On Sunday, I create my menu for the week (6 meals a day).  Each night while making dinner, I pack my lunch for the next day.  Leftovers, usually are a meal for the next day too (hello chicken fajitas yum!). 
    3. Think of the one or two items that you get cravings for and come up with a clean version of them.
    4. Track your food on
    5. PLAN AHEAD always!
    Over the course of my blogging I'll be adding recipes, shopping lists and so forth. 

    Happy Eating!

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