Sunday, June 26, 2011

Simple Kitchen and Attack of the Escalator

Yesterday my girlfriends and I headed to Earth Yoga in NYC for a Hot Yoga class (felt amazing!) and then headed downtown for lunch at "The Simple Kitchen".  The Simple Kitchen is an all-natural and organic cafe in Chelsea.  They use local ingredients from their farm, The Simple Kitchen Garden, in CT.  They have a "grab and go" section and they also have a area to dine-in which is exactly what we did.  I got the vegetarian wrap with hummus and a cup of tea and we all shared "Kale Chips".  I have never had Kale Chips before but my friend Pam (Barbie Boot Camp blogger) had recently put this up on her website as a yum snack, and yummy it was!  I'll add the recipe for this in my next blog.  After lunch we walked over to TJ Maxx and Marshals.  I bought about 5 workout tops between $7 and $14.  They were great!  I didn't find any workout pants unfortunately, so that mission continues!  Of course my day wouldn't be complete without some clumsy act (always happens to me!).  My dress got stuck in the escalator!  It was quite scary for a second... it was a long dress and kept getting sucked more and more in... at one point I thought "my lord I am going to have to strip out of this and walk in my bra and undies down the rest of the escalator!".  My friends hit the emergency button on the escalator and it stopped.  I had to literally rip myself out from being stuck which ripped a huge chunk out of my dress.  It was entertaining and I'm glad I didn't get hurt and no one else did.  Always gotta be careful with those escalators!

Anyway none the less, it was a great and fulfilling day!

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