Getting Through That "Time of the Month"
Most of us experience bloating, fatigue, cramps, headache, cravings, digestive problems and mood swings before and during our menstrual cycle. One of the best ways to prevent and treat these symptoms is by sticking to a healthy diet, which can also aid general health and overall well-being. Below are ways to stick to a healthy way of living even during this annoying time:
The high fiber content of beans and peas reduces the congestive symptoms of cramps by producing bulkier stools with higher water content. This rids the body of excess fluid and also normalizes digestion, reducing both constipation and diarrhea, according to Dr. Susan Lark, director of the PMS Self-Help Center in Los Altos, California, and author of "Dr. Susan Lark's Menstrual Cramps Self Help Book." Legumes are also a good source of B vitamins, which prevent cramps and menstrual fatigue. Although beans can create excess gas, this can be minimized by eating small amounts and increasing slowly, or by taking a digestive enzyme like Beano.
Green Vegetables
Green vegetables are high in calcium, magnesium and potassium, which relieve and prevent the spasms that lead to cramping pain. Dr. Lark also adds that these minerals can calm and relax emotions, reducing irritability. Dark green vegetables also contain high amounts of vitamin K, which is needed to coagulate blood and prevent excess bleeding.
Omega-3 Fatty Acids
A group of hormone-like substances in the body called prostaglandins are involved in muscle contractions and menstrual pain. One way to shut down the prostaglandin effect is by consuming omega-3 fatty acids like those contained in salmon, walnuts and flaxseed or suppements.
Fruits are high in manganese (lowers menstrual discomfort), but one of the richest manganese food sources is pineapple. Pineapple also contains high levels of bromelain, an enzyme thought to help relax muscles and therefore prevent menstrual cramping.
Tea is another source of manganese, although women should avoid the caffeinated version, which can actually lead to greater menstrual discomfort. Ginger tea may be helpful in relieving nausea and bloating, and chamomile tea also contains properties that relieve muscle spasms and reduce the tension that can lead to anxiety and irritability.
Excessive fluid retention is one of the main causes of congestive symptoms seen with cramps, which are characterized by dull, aching pain. One of the very best ways to help decrease water retention, even though it may seem counterintuitive, is to increase water consumption--if a woman isn't drinking enough, her body may overcompensate by retaining extra water.
Whole Grains
A study by British doctors found that eating small amounts of carbohydrates every three hours and within one hour of going to bed combated PMS symptoms in 70 percent of women. Whole grains are excellent sources of magnesium, which reduces neuromuscular tension. Whole grains also have B-complex vitamins and vitamin E to combat fatigue and depression.
Yogurt contains live and active cultures of bacteria that promote a healthy digestion. Yogurt is also a good source of calcium, and getting twice as much calcium as an average women consumes on a daily basis, 1,300 milligrams instead of 600, seems to alleviate menstrual discomfort. However, since meat and dairy products contain arachidonic acids, which increase the production of cramp-causing prostaglandins, women may prefer to choose nondairy forms of calcium such as broccoli, kale, canned salmon with bones and calcium-fortified foods like cereals and juices.
Add essential fatty acids to you diet. Omega-3 fatty acids have been shown to help with cramps. See if eating more fish or taking fish oil or flaxseed oil supplements eases your PMS symptoms. Consider vitamin supplements. For some women, taking a daily multivitamin or supplementing with magnesium, vitamin B6, and vitamin E may help relieve cramps.
Other Remedies
There are other natural remedies commonly used for PMS, including:
Vitamin E
Royal jelly
OPCs (oligomeric proanthocyanidins)
Uva ursi
St. Johns wort
Wild yam
Progesterone cream
Also, check out my blog post on Vitamins for other options and more information.
Regular aerobic exercise such as brisk walking, jogging, swimming, or cycling may help relieve PMS symptoms. In one study, the frequency but not the intensity of exercise was associated with a decreased PMS symptoms.
Breathing exercises, meditation, aromatherapy, and yoga are some natural ways to reduce stress and promote relaxation. Many women feel more assertive and attuned to their needs in the weeks before menses. This can be used constructively by allowing for personal time to relax, expressing emotions, and giving priority to your needs and what nourishes you.
In traditional Chinese medicine, the liver is the organ most affected by stress, anger, and frustration. Stagnation of liver energy, or "qi", by emotions, alcohol, and spicy and fatty foods can lead to PMS symptoms such as breast tenderness and abdominal bloating and cramping.
Although there is no scientific evidence behind this assessment, acupuncture, exercise, expressing emotions, and breathing exercises are recommended by practitioners to relieve liver stagnation.
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