Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Today is my tomorrow I dreamt about. I am making it a yesterday worth remembering.

Today is my tomorrow I dreamt about.  I am making it a yesterday worth remembering. My friend Pam sent that to me an email a week ago and it stuck.  I have been on the up hill climb of weight gain for the last year and at my witts end I decided that I reached the peak and need to start heading back down to where I was minus another 15-20lbs! 

My friend Pam recently went through a 40lb weight loss and her new found energy, happiness and self confidence really struck a cord with me.  So one email from Pam later, here I am a week later and 6.9lbs lighter.  During the last week I've read a book, I've emailed with Pam, I've friended fitness guru's on facebook, I've googled enough diet things than I know what to do with.  It's all sitting in my head and some are saved in bookmarks, printed out or in my email box and thus I decided the best way to bring all that information into one place is through a blog.  This is for me and also for anyone begining their own journey on the climb down.  I hope I can bring to you what Pam brought to me, motivation and education!

And remember: Today is my tomorrow I dreamt about.  I am making it a yesterday worth remembering

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