Monday, August 1, 2011

Banana Pam-Cakes

Banana Pam-Cakes


This is a great weekend breakfast recipe when you want a cheat meal but DON'T want a cheat meal..."clean cheat"!! YUM!

•1 scoop Banana flavor protein powder (or vanilla and add a teaspoon banana extract)

•1/4 c ground flax meal

•1/4 c almond meal (or just 1/2 c flax meal if you don’t have both)

•1/2 c eggwhites

•4 oz greek yogurt

•1 packet truvia

•1 scoop vanilla protein powder

•sugar free chocoalte syrup

•sugar free pancake syrup

Mix the banana protein, flax and almond meal together; add eggwhites until batter consistency (can use a wisk or fork). Cook on skillet like pancakes. Mix the greek yogurt, truvia and protein with hand mixer. After pancakes are done, put the yogurt mixture between the pancakes (or roll crepe style) and drizzle a little SF chocolate syrup and SF pancake syrup on top

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