Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Inspiration - Body Transformation

Here's what she had to say:

I AM FINALLY WEARING A BIKINI AND SHORTS FOR THE FIRST TIME IN MY ADULT LIFE!!!!!!!!!!!!! I COULD NOT BE HAPPIER AND SOOOOOOO FREAKIN' EXCITED!!!!!!!!! I'M ON CLOUD NINE!!!!! I hope this video inspires and motivates you to reach YOUR own personal goals! One thing I have learned from this experience, is that anything is possible, and we ALL have the capabilities to make a positive change and difference for the better of our mind, body and spirit!!!! Tosca, The Eat-Clean Diet, The Kitchen Table and The Oxygen Magazine helped change my life, and I KNOW it can help change yours!! You can, You will, and You must do this!!!!! Never Give Up!!!!!! 

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